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For this set I believe I was successful because 2-D is an object or figure that is flat with no thickness which my photos have and show the texture too. I am pleased with my double exposure because you are able to see both textures clearly. For the first double exposure I put a filter on my sweater it darkened it so you are to see it better against the flower. For the second exposure I lightened the stones so the whites and darker shades could be seen. I'm not really pleased with the double exposure using a normal photo because I could have used a better photo but the texture looks good on my legs. I am very pleased with the collage because I like this style and I think doing this style with a building makes it stand out more. My favorite picture from this set is the second develop tab edit because it shows the details in the pine cone  and the contrast with the blacks and whites is balanced well and the shadows make the highlights more noticeable.

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