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To make my photos interesting and photo worthy I used the lighting in different ways and when i was editing I made sure to bring out the colors and brighten the photos so they weren't dark. I am okay with my use of backgrounds since I was in the the bridge the backgrounds weren't very interesting and the lighting wasn't the best but I think I did well with what I had. I don't have a favorite but my top two are the single round object and the strong back lighting. The single round object because I enjoyed editing this photo and I loved the way it turned out. The strong back lighting because the light in the background looks like a moon that put a shadow on the owl and the red and orange on the table gives the photo some color. My least favorite would be the symmetrical photo because the floor didn't really reflect the windows as much as I would have liked it to and there wasn't a lot of color. When taking more photos I am not going to use one location for all the photos I take so there is more of a variety.  

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