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For this assignment I believe I meet all the requirements because the orientation is the right way and you which base is the closest. My spacing and my proportions could have been better because there is still a lot of empty space on the paper.


I believe that I could have done better on this assignment because I did not have all the different line textures. I did have most of the value ranges and the composition is good.


For this assignment I showed Da Vinci's 6 parts thorugh highlights, middle tone and cast shadow and used the 4 types of lines effectivly. My composition is evenly balanced with correct proportions and height of the bases. I showed a full value scale but I could have used some more darker tones.


In this drawing assisgnment I had an accurate perspective that has a horizon line and vanishing point. While also having a clear light source and uning Da Vinici's 6 parts of light. I could have used more value ranges and a better composition.


In this assignment I could do better in all categories. I believe I showed accurate proportions but in some places its not. I could of used more darker values and the background was added last as an after thought. 


In this drawing I had accurate perspective and it contains an element of flesh and shaded correctly. I could have used more darker values and used the parts of light more effectively..  


For this assignment I my composition is good because everything is to proportion. I used the whole value scale and I did not mix black and white charcoal. I established a clear light source and used Da Vinci's 6 parts of light. I used the grid system well but it is visible in some places.


In this drawing I believe the format of my paper is correct and the composition is good. I used a full value range but it could use more lights. The grid system was used well with no traces present and the light source is clear with the 6 parts of light shown. 

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